Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Naturally Purify Indoor Air – 8 Aromatic Herbs

For the past couple decades people have been spreading the word on how indoors plants can help clean the air indoors. Dr Bill Wolverton pioneered a study by NASA back in the 1970’s to see if houseplants could help purify the air inside of the future “space station.”
The study discovered invisible toxins in chemical compounds found in common every day items like plastics, paint, cleaning solutions, carpet and building materials. The 3 major chemicals found in homes:
  • formaldehyde: upholstery, carpets, paint, glues and more
  • benzene: synthetic fibers, plastics, lubricants, rubber, pesticides, and more
  • trichloroethylene: rug cleaning solution, paint removers, adhesives, and more
…the other day which listed the below 8 herbs.
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender (Lavandula spica L.)
  • Basil
  • Mint
  • Jasmine
  • Geranium
  • Coffee plant
  • Woodbine
Now there were no references to any research, but it does make sense to me, due to the study I am so familiar with and “sick building syndrome.”
Plants are a part of nature’s cleaning system – Naturally!

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