“Drink plenty
of water” is one of the tried and true recommendations for a healthy body. And
believe me, it works! A lot of famous hollywood personalities have been
enjoying the benefits of drinking plenty of water. But what does “plenty” mean?
How will you know if you’re drinking enough water?
Well, the
European Food Safety Authority recommends that women should consume about 1.6
liters of water and men should have at least 2 liters daily. That’s equivalent
to eight 200ml. glasses for a woman, and ten 200ml. glasses for a man.
However, you might want to exceed that amount depending on your size, temperature and how physically active you are. Once your body is fully, and properly hydrated, you can enjoy these 10 benefits:
However, you might want to exceed that amount depending on your size, temperature and how physically active you are. Once your body is fully, and properly hydrated, you can enjoy these 10 benefits:
About 60-70%
of our bodies is water. It’s one of the most important fuels that we need in
order for our bodies to run smoothly. Drinking adequate H2O daily will not only
replenish the fluids our bodies burn and secrete, it will make sure that we
have enough fluid to help blood transport nutrients, regulate temperature,
digest food properly and many bodily functions.
If your
calorie intake is hindering you from having that bikini body of your dreams,
then you might want to chug more water than you normally do. Studies show that
there’s big connection between fluid intake and weight loss.
As simple as drinking a glass of water before each meal and increasing your daily water intake can make you lose weight… without saying goodbye to food and doing exercise (if you’re kinda the lazy type)! Water will help you feel full, thus, will make you consume fewer calories.
As simple as drinking a glass of water before each meal and increasing your daily water intake can make you lose weight… without saying goodbye to food and doing exercise (if you’re kinda the lazy type)! Water will help you feel full, thus, will make you consume fewer calories.
Our muscles
are approximately 80% water. And the more strenuous a physical activity is, the
more water gets lost from them and from our bodies. That’s why athletes sweat
like crazy. And that’s also why gyms are full of sweaty individuals.
Getting thirsty during, or after a strenuous activity is a sure sign that your body demands fluid supply. And with that, you’ll grab the nearest Gatorade or Pocari Sweat bottle (Yes, they’re invented for that!). Fluid lost makes muscles tired so you we need to keep ourselves hydrated during workout. You probably notice how drinking water can suddenly energize you after that tiring set of squats.
Getting thirsty during, or after a strenuous activity is a sure sign that your body demands fluid supply. And with that, you’ll grab the nearest Gatorade or Pocari Sweat bottle (Yes, they’re invented for that!). Fluid lost makes muscles tired so you we need to keep ourselves hydrated during workout. You probably notice how drinking water can suddenly energize you after that tiring set of squats.
If bathing on
water doesn’t make your zits and skin dryness go away, then it’s time to up
your game and increase your water intake.
Drinking at least 1.6 liters of water daily will not only moisturize your skin and reduce wrinkles, but it will also give you sparkly eyes, a healthy and glowing skin and will reduce, if not diminish acne. Water flushes toxins and all the unwanted things out of our bodies so it clears the skin of any dirt and bacteria.
Drinking at least 1.6 liters of water daily will not only moisturize your skin and reduce wrinkles, but it will also give you sparkly eyes, a healthy and glowing skin and will reduce, if not diminish acne. Water flushes toxins and all the unwanted things out of our bodies so it clears the skin of any dirt and bacteria.
Our kidneys
process 200 quarts of blood daily to make sure toxins, bacteria, and all those
waste don’t get stuck inside our bodies. They need enough fluids to do their
daily grind. So let’s show a little love for them by drinking more water. They
will not only thank you by working properly, they’ll also prevent you from
getting urine infections and kidney stones.
Need focus to
get through a day of deadlines? Then drink water. Our brains are 85% water and
dehydration can affect your concentration. If you really need to focus,
drinking a glass of water will help you concentrate, refreshed and alert.
In the same
way that not drinking enough water makes your brain slow down, it has the same
effect on your body. Tiredness is one common symptom of dehydration so the
moment you feel your batteries are draining, then chug a glass or two of water.
Don’t let
your hangover get the best of you, cure hydrate your body, it will also ease
that headache.
issues can be prevented by regularly drinking water. Adequate H2O intake adds
fluids to the colon which helps your digestive track run smoothly.
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