Monday, January 19, 2015

7 Uses for Aloe Vera You May Not Know

by Nicole Kropp on January 3, 2015
Most people know that aloe vera can be used to moisturize skin, but aloe has proven itself useful in so many more unexpected ways! For someone looking to turn to homeopathic remedies, an aloe plant can be your new best friend. Armed with the information below you can use aloe to treat, pamper and cure yourself in ways you never knew possible.

1. Heal minor kitchen burns
Whether you were on the wrong side of a splash of hot oil or absent mindedly grabbed something hot off the stove, aloe has proven itself the king of minor burn care. Aloe reduces inflammation, soothes skin irritation, and combats the blistering that happens when minor burns form. For slightly more serious burns combine aloe with vitamin E.

2. Help to prevent stretch marks

Applying aloe regularly and generously increases skin’s elasticity. This means that skin will be able to stretch more readily without creating deep scarring of the tissue which results in stretch marks. Aloe plumps skin, soothes irritation, and moisturizes deeply enough to help prevent tearing in the lower dermis where stretch marks originate.

3. Fight athlete’s foot

Aloe has anti-fungal properties which fight athlete’s foot and related fungal infections naturally. Aloe can sooth itching and help moisturize skin while drying out whatever fungal growth may be in place.

4. Calm rosacea

Aloe when applied to skin can calm and lessen the appearance of rosacea. Aloe penetrates the skin eliminating common signs rosacea such as irritation and red pigmentation. Regular use of aloe can slowly begin to lessen rosacea and clear skin. Used on the face aloe can also aid in clearing up discoloration of any kind including under eye circles.

5. Aid in digestion

Many teas and coconut waters today come infused with aloe, which improves digestion and soothes any irritation in the digestive system. Some people choose to ingest raw aloe, but the taste and texture can be a bit off putting. I suggest either buying drinks already infused with aloe or adding raw aloe to hot tea in order to prevent a potential upset stomach.

6. Remove makeup without irritating skin

Aloe can act as a lubricant while removing makeup from sensitive areas like around the eyes. When aloe is used the skin is not pulled as much which lessens wrinkling and sagging of the skin in the future. Aloe also moisturizes the skin while injecting it with essential vitamins which keep the skin healthier and prevent premature aging.

7. Reduce itching and stinging of insect bites

Aloe has properties which fight the chemicals responsible for itching and discomfort from insect bites. Swabbing fresh aloe over a bite of any kind will reduce itching, inflammation, and help to prevent discoloration around the bite.

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