2013 listing of top retailers and how they recognize Christmas
BLUE: An AFA "5-Star" rated company that
promotes and celebrates Christmas on an exceptional basis.
GREEN: Company uses the term "Christmas" on a regular basis, we consider that company Christmas-friendly.
YELLOW: Company refers to Christmas infrequently, or in a single advertising medium, but not in others.
RED: Company may use "Christmas" sparingly in a single or unique product description, but as a company, does not recognize it.
GREEN: Company uses the term "Christmas" on a regular basis, we consider that company Christmas-friendly.
YELLOW: Company refers to Christmas infrequently, or in a single advertising medium, but not in others.
RED: Company may use "Christmas" sparingly in a single or unique product description, but as a company, does not recognize it.
List updated on 11-25-13
Companies For
Companies marginal
on "Christmas"
Companies AGAINST
We continually update the list, so
check back often.
Criteria - AFA reviewed up to four
areas to determine if a company was "Christmas-friendly" in their
advertising: print media (newspaper inserts), broadcast media
(radio/television), website and/or personal visits to the store. If a company's
ad has references to items associated with Christmas (trees, wreaths, lights,
etc.), it was considered as an attempt to reach "Christmas" shoppers.
If a company has items associated
with Christmas, but did not use the word "Christmas," then the
company is considered as censoring "Christmas."
Want to report on a company? Send
your detailed report to Please know that we receive hundreds of reports
(emails) each day. We are unable to respond to each one personally, but your
report will be read by one of our staff.
Note: AFA does not list local or
regional companies. Only nationally-recognized companies will be listed. This
list only reflects a company's "Christmas" advertising and does not
take into account other corporate policies AFA may not agree with.