Tuesday, January 1, 2019

16 Things You’ll Notice When You’re In The Presence Of An Empath

You meet a stranger in a grocery store and they suddenly pour their heart out to you and tell you their life story.  You find yourself feeling some sort of connection with this person because you can really relate to them. You can’t help but experience their feelings right along with them.
If you’ve met a person or already have a friend like this, they could likely be an empath.

An empath hones a magnetism that instantly draws people toward them. It’s not just that they are sympathetic–it’s more than that. They have the ability to connect with another’s feelings and pains, and they also deeply experience it.

1. They are often described as “too sensitive.”

We often hear other people talk about how someone is too sensitive as if it is a negative attribute. But we forget that being sensitive implies a feeling of connectivity to another person’s experience; a connection between hearts. When we talk to someone who is sensitive, who knows and feels our situation, we feel lighter. So, it is not something to devalue. In fact, in our present time, we rarely meet these kinds of people, and if you do ever get the chance to know one, treasure them; they are a gift.
2. They hate being lied to.

You cannot lie to an empath, and if you do, they can tell when you are. An empath’s understanding nature gives them the ability to see and feel more than what people say. They are transparently honest, and can’t stand it when people lie to them. To them, there is no point in hiding the truth.

3. Negative images have a deep negative impact on them.

Some people can tolerate watching violent or terrifying movies, but empaths cannot. They would rather avoid seeing terrible scenes and knowing about sad stories as these have a direct impact on their deep seated feelings.
4. Crowds are overwhelming to them.

Empaths are often both introverts and extroverts, but they cannot last long in a crowd because of the large amount of different emotions of people all in one place. Empaths take this all in which is exhausting to them.
5. They find peace and happiness in helping others.

If you have that one friend who is always there when you need them the most, then you are a blessed person. Empaths love to help people and it gives them a sense of peace and happiness when they do something for another human being. When empaths help, they do not expect anything in return.

6. They think twice before pouring another cup of coffee or taking medicine.

Empaths have a strong reaction to stimulants like caffeine, which tends to increase anxiety and agitation. Similarly, empaths will often react adversely to medications, and thus, avoid using synthetic solutions.
7. They are true to themselves.

Empaths show who they really are and do not put on any masks. Because of their deep understanding of the nature of people, they have seen that all people are inherently good. Their honesty causes them to be very accepting of other people’s faults. Everyone is a work in progress.
8. They experience what others are going through with them.

Empaths are very connected to those who they care about and open up with. When you tell an empath what you are going through, they also feel what you feel. They have a direct sense of feeling with you, and can understand your experience deeper than other friends would. They experience it with you.

9. They have an incredible bond with animals.

There is no such thing as pets to empaths, because to them, pets are family. To the empath, animals are living creatures with feelings, not meant to be owned or kept in zoos, and deserve the right to live free and happy lives just like everyone else.
10. Being emotionally and physically exhausted is a common occurrence for them.

Listening to one person’s problems can take its toll on you, especially when the person is going through something really heavy. Imagine having to go through this all day with several other people. Because empaths are very sensitive to the emotions experienced by others, it makes them emotionally and physically vulnerable and often exhausted.
11. Giving good advice is their natural talent.

Empaths know how to listen, and they listen to every word you say. They put themselves in your shoes. They truly want to see you succeed and their advice is coming from this space in the heart. Their advice comes from understanding your situation, and is usually worth listening to.

12. They are easily distracted.

They get distracted easily because they see every beautiful detail of every day. The kind of details we usually take for granted, the ‘little things’.
Empaths are not only sensitive to your feelings, but they are also sensitive to their surroundings. They are observant to everything taking place around them, and love to be in nature.

13. They have no room in their lives for narcissists

An empath can be emotionally drained quickly by a narcissist, so they avoid them at all costs. Yet their openness and vulnerability often draws narcissists to them.
Sometimes relationships develop between the two, but they are deeply unhealthy for both, as it is similar to a predator and prey type of relationship.

14. They are hyper sensitive to sound.
An empath’s sensitivity to sound can help them to pickup on unnoticed frequencies and noises, but they are also sensitive to loud noises and this can bring them stress.
They avoid loud and unpleasant settings, yet pleasant sounds such as birds chirping and peaceful music help them to maintain their gentle and loving energy.

15. They are an above-average listener

Some people while listening are spending most of their energy planning what they are going to say in response. This can disrupt their understanding of what the other is saying, because they hadn’t given full attention to listening.
But with an empath, you get your point across easily because they know how to hear you. You feel very comfortable talking with them as they know how to handle a conversation; by truly listening and understanding without judgment.
16. They have a strange effect on electronics.

Hard to believe, but many empaths experience their electronics malfunctioning higher than normal. When they use a computer or a phone, they often have glitches or bugs, or lights become too bright or go out.
If you know someone who has all of these qualities, then consider yourself blessed.

Empaths are a gift to the world, and their sensitive natures should be treasured. Their purity makes them who they are.

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy, as well as being the first moral philosopher who pioneered the tradition of western ethical thought. While a prominent figure, his ideas are known through the writings of his students Plato and Xenophon. Plato’s dialogues are some of the most comprehensive pieces of literature related to Socrates to survive through antiquity.
Socrates became known worldwide for his contribution to the idea of ethics. His unique line of thinking, questioning and critical thinking in order to discover the truth became known as the Socratic method. His method remains a commonly used tool today, where individuals will ask a series of questions not only to draw certain answers, but to encourage fundamental insight into the issue which is being debated. Recognized as one of the world’s greatest philosophers, many of his ideas have also been thought to be the source of inspiration for many of history’s greatest leaders, and Socrates is credited with laying down the foundation for what became western philosophy.

Let’s keep his great teachings alive by remembering 24 of his most famous quotes:

1) “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

2) “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

3) “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

4) “I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world.”
5) “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.”

6) “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”

7)  “Know thyself.”

8) “He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.”

9) “If you don’t get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don’t want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can’t hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is law and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.”

10) “Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.”

11) “Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.”

12) “To find yourself, think for yourself.”

13) “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”

14) “By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.”

15) “Let him who would move the world first move himself.”
16) “The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.”

17) “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

18) “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think”

19) “Prefer knowledge to wealth, for the one is transitory, the other perpetual.”

20) “Understanding a question is half an answer”

21) “True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us”

22) “To be is to do”

23) “He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.”

24) “The mind is everything; what you think you become”

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

July 4th

During the American Revolution, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain in 1776 actually occurred on July 2, when the Second Continental Congressvoted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia declaring the United States independent from Great Britain rule.[5][6] After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had been prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the wording of the Declaration, finally approving it two days later on July 4. A day earlier, John Adams had written to his wife Abigail:
The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.[7]

Adams's prediction was off by two days. From the outset, Americans celebrated independence on July 4, the date shown on the much-publicized Declaration of Independence, rather than on July 2, the date the resolution of independence was approved in a closed session of Congress.[8]
Historians have long disputed whether members of Congress signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, even though Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin all later wrote that they had signed it on that day. Most historians have concluded that the Declaration was signed nearly a month after its adoption, on August 2, 1776, and not on July 4 as is commonly believed.[9][10][11][12][13]
Coincidentally, both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the only signers of the Declaration of Independence later to serve as Presidents of the United States, died on the same day: July 4, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration. Although not a signer of the Declaration of Independence, James Monroe, another Founding Father who was elected as President, also died on July 4, 1831. He was the third President who died on the anniversary of independence. Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President, was born on July 4, 1872; so far he is the only U.S. President to have been born on Independence Day.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Eight Choices You Can Make Today that Will Change Your Life Forever
by Chris Widener

The direction of our lives is determined by the choices we make every day. They accumulate and add up to our ultimate destiny. Here are eight choices you can make - choices that will create for you a life of abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life.
1. Choose to grow personally. This sounds simple but many people only wish to grow personally. They never choose to grow by taking action, such as actually exercising, saving more money etc. Make a decision today to be a person who is on the never ending journey of personal growth.
2. Choose to always treat others right. We come across all sorts of people, many of whom will treat us poorly. We can choose to treat them right, no matter how they treat us. When they lie, we will tell the truth. When they cheat, we will play by the rules. We may get the short end of the stick some times, but in the long-run we will win. And most importantly, we will be able to sleep at night.

3. Choose to break a bad habit. Take the biggie first. Tackle it head on. If you don't know what it is, ask a friend. Then spend every effort you can to break that habit. Forget about the others, as you will get to them later. Stop smoking, get out of debt, lose your excess weight. Exercise the power to choose!
4. Choose to work smarter. Many people I work with feel like they are out of balance. One of the first things I do is try to find out how much time they are wasting at work, which makes them work longer, which throws the rest of their life into chaos. Getting your work done by diligently working in the time you have will free your life up extraordinarily.

5. Choose to see your work as a way to help others, and not a way to make money. If you put your heart into helping others, the money will most assuredly come. Spend time helping others grow and your finances will grow with it.
 6. Choose to become balanced spiritually, emotionally and physically. Our lives are best when we have these three major areas in balance. Spend some time cultivating your spirituality, becoming emotionally healthy, and physically fit.

7. Choose to sow more than you reap. There are many takers in this world, but our lives will be better as we become givers. The world will become better as we become givers. Give away your time, give away your money, give away your love.
8. Choose to get home for dinner more often. The family is the most important group of people you will ever belong to. Make a decision today to grow in your relationship with your parents, siblings, spouse and children. This one choice you will never regret.

One of my favorite quotes: “The history of free men is never written by chance, but by choice; their choice.”
— Dwight D. Eisenhower
Be Responsible For Your Own Financial Security
by Denis Waitley
There is no job security. You can’t rely on staying with the same company through retirement. Pension plans, when available, are woefully inadequate. Social security benefits won’t come close to covering your living expenses in retirement.
The only way to reach financial security is to plan for it now, regardless of your age. You have to define financial security in your own terms. Have you defined the amount of assets that you need for financial independence?
Financial security is that amount of assets that will give you a specific income, after taxes, to live like you want to, without having to depend on day-to-day employment.
What is that amount for you? I believe it is more than you think. And, I feel that if you define it, you can reach it in ten years or less. Do you have a financial plan and the assistance of a financial planner?  You need both. Always retain a financial planner on a fee-for-service basis. Don’t mix financial planning with an investment broker or insurance agent. What are your financial goals and what is your time line? Because I started late in my quest for financial independence, I have a maximum five-year period remaining for capital accumulation.
Action Idea: Wealth is not only based on income, but also on expenditures. Are you spending or investing?  Are your purchases goal-achieving or tension-relieving? How do you use credit cards? Use your credit cards for services or purchases that retain their value or that build your business. Don’t use credit cards for vacations and personal entertainment, unless you plan to pay the entire balance in one or two months. Try to pay all your balances in full monthly. In this way, you avoid the ridiculously high interest payments. Realize that paying minimum balances, at high interest rates, means that you are paying two or three times what the original purchase was worth.
Most importantly, save at least 6 to 10 percent of your take-home pay each month, by writing a check into a savings account or mutual fund for that amount, as if it were a utility bill or house payment. The secret of most self-made multi-millionaires is compound interest. If parents saved one dollar each day for their newborn infant, by going without a cup of Starbuck’s coffee, or a Big Mac, or a soft drink for that day, by the time the child reached age forty, he or she would have a million dollars cash. No lottery windfall. No brilliant investment strategy. Just compound interest, which Baron von Rothchild labeled “The Eighth Wonder of the World.”


Monday, January 30, 2017

5 first-time homebuyer mistakes

By Polyana da Costa • Bankrate.com

 time homebuyer mistakes
Thinking about buying your first home? Before you can unlock the door to homeownership, you have to take some important first steps. From finding the perfect location to financing your purchase, shopping for your first home has challenges that go beyond curb appeal and interior features.

Some of the important steps to homeownership include:
Many first-time homebuyers decide to buy when they feel ready for a mortgage. But just because they can afford the mortgage payments doesn't mean they can afford to own a home, says New York attorney Rafael Castellanos, president of Expert Title Insurance.

"They have an idea of what their mortgage payment is going to be, but they don't realize there's much more to it," he says.

Property insurance, taxes, homeowners association dues, maintenance, and higher electric and water bills are some of the costs that first-time homebuyers tend to overlook when shopping for a place.

"Keep in mind property taxes and insurance have a tendency of going up every year," Castellanos says. "Even if you can afford it now, ask yourself if you'll be able to afford the increased costs later."

Even though it's your first home, you must think of it as a long-term commitment, says Ed Conarchy, a mortgage planner and investment adviser at Cherry Creek Mortgage in Gurnee, Illinois.

"If you have to switch jobs in a year or two, and may have to move for the job, you should think twice," says Conarchy. "Ideally, you should picture yourself living in that house for 5 to 7 years."

Home buying doesn't begin with home searching. It begins with a mortgage prequalification -- unless you're lucky to have enough money to pay cash for your first house.

Often, first-time homebuyers "are afraid to get prequalified," says Steve Anderson, a broker and owner at Re/Max Benchmark Realty in Las Vegas. They fear the lender may tell them they don't qualify for a mortgage or they qualify for a loan smaller than expected. "So they pick a price range out of the sky and say, 'Let's go look for a house,'" Anderson says.

And that's not how it should be done. Yes, it's more fun to go look at houses than to sit in a lender's office where you have to expose your financial situation. But that's a backward approach, Conarchy says.

"You get preapproved, and then you find a home," he says. "That way, you'll make a financial decision versus an emotional decision."

New to the home buying game? You'll need a reputable real estate agent, a good loan officer or broker, and perhaps a lawyer.

Venturing into this process alone, without professional help, is not a good idea, says Anderson. While every rule has its exception, generally, first-time homebuyers should not try to deal directly with the listing agent, he says.

"If you are getting divorced, are you going to go to your husband's attorney for help? Of course not," he says. "Same here. If you go to a listing agent, they are only going to show you their listings. You must find a buyer's agent to help you."

If you hire an agent without a referral from friends or family, ask the agent to provide references from previous buyers. The same goes for loan officers or mortgage brokers.

"It's very hard for first-time homebuyers because they don't know who they are dealing with," Anderson says.

It's crucial to find a professional who will give you "truly independent advice," Conarchy says.

Sometimes that means hiring a lawyer, says Castellanos.

"You are about to make what is possibly the largest single investment of your lifetime," Castellanos says. "You want to make sure it's done right."

Spending all or most of their savings on the down payment and closing costs is one of the biggest mistakes first-time homebuyers make, Conarchy says.

"Some people scrape all their money together to make the 20% down payment so they don't have to pay for mortgage insurance, but they are picking the wrong poison because they are left with no savings at all," he says.

Homebuyers who put 20% or more down don't have to pay for mortgage insurance when getting a conventional mortgage. That's usually translated into substantial savings on the monthly mortgage payment. But it's not worth the risk of living on the edge, says Conarchy.

"I'd take paying for mortgage insurance any day over not having money for rainy days," he says. "Everyone -- especially homeowners -- needs to have a rainy-day fund."

You have prequalified for a loan. You found the house you wanted. The contract is signed and the closing is in 30 days. Don't celebrate by financing another big purchase.

Lenders pull credit reports before the closing to make sure the borrower's financial situation has not changed since the loan was approved. Any new loans on your credit report can jeopardize the closing.

Buyers, especially first-timers, often learn this lesson the hard way.

"They sign the contract and they want to go buy new furniture for the house or a new car," Anderson says. "I remember one case where, just before closing, the buyer drove to the office and said, 'Look at my brand-new car.' I told them, 'You'd better go back to that dealership.'"

Luckily, the dealership agreed to wait a couple of days to report the loan to the credit bureaus, he says. Otherwise, it could have killed the deal.

You've decided to go for it. You know rates are near all-time lows.

Buying a home can be thrilling and nerve-wracking at the same time, especially for a first-time homebuyer -- it's difficult to know exactly what to expect. The learning curve can be steep, but most of the issues can be resolved by doing a little financial homework.

Take these 5 steps to help make the process go more smoothly.